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​​Often a child or adult presents with a variety of difficulties, a comprehensive assessment can often provide a 'culture of understanding' about the child or client.  This is helpful because it allows the individual to understand their strengths and weaknesses.  It is helpful for teachers and carers to also have a good idea about how to understand the individuals strengths and recognise weaknesses so that an informed plan can be made to improve the person's difficulties.  


At Leigh Morgan Clinical Psychology, we are able to provide a number of assessments, some of which are detailed below.  


These can be helpful to assist in educational planning, to support funding applications and to inform treatment.

Leigh Morgan Clinical Psychology

A full diagnostic assessment will usually include:


  • A full review of previous reports

  • Parent interview

  • Child observation in our clinic

  • Cognitive Assessment (if this has not already been completed recently)

  • ADOS2

  • School visit

  • Written report

  • Meeting to discuss the outcome of the assessment and discussion of treatment recommendation


A cognitive assessment test is a test of a child’s intellectual and processing ability.


It also provides a means of assessing the child’s strengths and weaknesses on verbal and non-verbal problem-solving ability, working memory and processing speed.  These assessments assist to more fully understand the functioning of the individual which can be used to support interventions within the classroom, and identification specific strengths or weaknesses in specific areas.


Behaviours can be formally assessed using the Achenbach Child Behaviour Checklist.  

This provides a general overview of the child’s functioning.  This assessment is also requested from time to time by the education department as part of an application for funding.


An assessment to determine the function of particular behaviours can be helpful to assist with intervention planning.


This is a pencil and paper test which evaluates the person’s ability to engage in everyday living skills.

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